authentic. design.
experience matters
I’m Damon Rye. I have over 36 years’ experience in residential design, drafting, construction, and project management.

In 1983, while pursuing a degree in Architectural Drafting Technology, DR Drafting began producing residential house plans for individuals and builders. Until 2005, I produced hundreds of custom and spec home plans for individuals and builders.

In 2005 I obtained my Arkansas residential contractor license. Between 2005 and 2007, DR Homes, LLC built seven spec and custom homes while working full time at the 188th Wing, Arkansas Air National Guard. In January 2008, I deployed to the Middle East. While away, I decided to spend more time with my family and focus on my full-time job as an Information Technology Project Manager.

Since 2008, I have designed and built a couple of custom homes for myself as well as a few additions and remodels for friends; always feeding my home design and construction interest by keeping up with trends and new construction methods.

In Fall 2018, I retired with 36 years in the Air National Guard and 34 year’s civil service. After some consideration of how to continue to use my skills and experience, I am excited to incorporate my passion for residential design and construction, years of experience, the latest trends, and best practices, combined with 3-D CAD technology to provide a firm foundation through cognizant communication, customer participation, and comprehensive deliverables so the result is authentic service that represents my customers’ ideas.
a look back
Below are examples of the first two generations of my plans. The 1990s drawings were produced on a drafting table with pencil, straight edge, and various angles and templates. The 2000s drawings were produced with 2-D CAD software.
1990s Table Drawings – D.R. Drafting

200s 2D CAD Drawings – DR Homes, LLC